Wednesday 4 December 2013

CD Tray!!

Today in lesson myself and Ellie got the CD tray panel of the digipak finished. I started by getting the template of a CD tray off of google and cutting out the section we needed. I then fitted it to the panel that was the correct dimensions we'd measured for the digipak. 

After this I multiplied the Autumns Abandoned logo by 4, giving me 4 copies of the logo. With them i changed the colours of each of them, each one fitting the colour of one of the girls, and the 4th colour being red, the band colour.

I then placed them at a 45 degree angle with their bottoms facing the CD tray, they were all put into the clips in the corners of the CD tray itself. For the image under the CD tray we decided to use an image of our first location, the tunnel. I fitted the image to the full size of the panel, after this i went around with the eraser tool, making it a perfect circular fit in the CD section. 

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