Wednesday 13 November 2013

Making of the Pin Board!!

Today during lesson we constructed the pin board for our digipak. We were using a lot of pink and fluffy kind of things, the sort of materials you would assume link to a really girly band. After being told by Imogen, our classmate, that she didn't feel it matched up enough well with the aesthetics of our footage from our video shoot. After thinking it through we agreed that we had made it too girly, this encouraged us to use all available materials to make the pin board more pop/punk like so it was the same as our genre.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Materials we are using for the digipak!!

Cork Pin Board-

This will be used as the focal point of each girls independent section o the digipak. We will have a picture of them in the middle and their interests and loves surrounding the photograph.
Will be using leaves as another motif on our digipak. As the bands name is autumns abandoned the fans are subsequently called Autumn Leaves, this incorporates the research we have found from social networking sites, as we are allowing the fans to have a connection with the band.

Planning for the Digpak!!

As we had some vague ideas me and Ellie planning a final idea for our digipak. We decided to do a rough sketch of the ideas and annotate them to make sure that we're all positive and happy with our idea before we begin to construct the digipak. This evening Ellie will be going shopping to get the materials we need to be able to create our digipak.


Below there are also some pictures of myself and Ellie whilst we are doing the sketches.


Digipak Template!!

We decided to go for a 6 panel Digipak because our band has 3 members, therefore by having a 6 panel Digipak we are able to have one panel per girl in the group. This means that we will have more content on a whole as well. 

Monday 11 November 2013